What is the IC Card?
IC Card is the membership card of International Community Association. The membership card costs only 10 € and will allow you to obtain: A valid identification document as an Erasmus student recognized throughout Europe and officially patronized by Napoli Municipality; A membership card, compulsory by the Italian law in order to participate to the association activities. After paying the association membership, you will receive our card that allows you to participate to all our events and to enjoy all the discounts that we offer; Special discounts with all our affiliated institutional and commercial partners. You can find the complete list and a specific description for each benefits by accessing the Partnerships section on the Home of this website; A card valid in all cities belonging to our national erasmus network: International Community! To get many discounts and be able to participate in Erasmus events in the cities of: Barcelona, Bari, Bilbao, Bologna, Budapest, Cordoba, Firenze, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Lecce, Lisboa, Madrid, Malaga, Murcia, Napoli, Oporto, Padova, Pamplona, Salamanca, San Sebastian, Sevilla and Valencia;
How to get it?
You can pay our card online, after creating a profile here, or coming to our office located in Naples in Galleria Principe di Napoli in Via Ettore Bellini, 1 on specific days and opening hours (to stay informed, just contact our facebook page or our whatsapp number). The card will be immediately usable. What do you need to be able to get the card? Personal identification document (national id or passport); Personal photo format 3cm x 2cm.